Quantum Light Matter Science Group

QLiMS Group

Latest news from our lab
First cover page from our group published in JACS: https://pubs.acs.org/toc/jacsat/146/28
Read about our work published in Shaastra magazine from IIT Madras here: https://shaastramag.iitm.ac.in/news-brief/mirror-trick. The article speaks about the extraordinary conductance of insulating polymers under vibrational strong coupling.
First publication from our group: "Extraordinary Electrical Conductance through Amorphous Nonconducting Polymers under Vibrational Strong Coupling" in JACS. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.4c03016
Congratulations to Subha and Harsh for winning "Best Poster Award" at Emerging Trends in Photodynamics and Photochemistry (ETPP 2024) organised by IISER Mohali.
Congratulations to Helena Poulose (summer project student from SH College, Kochi) for obtaining a Ph.D. position at University of Potsdam.
New article alert "Electronic Strong Coupling Modifies the Ground-state Intermolecular Interactions in Chlorin Thin Films" (DOI:10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-14r7s)

About us
We explore the properties of molecules/materials strongly coupled to light.
Light-matter interaction reaches the strong coupling regime, when light and matter exchange energy at faster than other dissipation in the system forming “light-matter hybrid molecule” with modified chemical and physical properties compared to the original molecule. For instance, the chemical landscape of strongly coupled molecules is different relative to an uncoupled molecule leading to changes in reaction rates and selectivity. We combine molecular synthesis, nanofabrication, and spectroscopic techniques to understand the fundamentals of strongly coupled molecules and build next generation devices out of light-matter hybrid states.
We invite creative and curious young minds to join us for their doctoral and post-doctoral research in the new and fast emerging field molecular strong coupling.
Selected publications

Selected Publications
Sunil Kumar and Subha Biswas et al.
Selected Publications
Anoop Thomas et al.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 16877-16889.
Selected Publications
Anoop Thomas et al.
Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 4365-4370.
Selected Publications
Anoop Thomas et al.
J. Phys. Chem C. 2018, 122, 14205-14212.
Welcome to our team!
We invite creative and curious young minds to join us for their doctoral and post-doctoral research in the new and fast emerging field molecular strong coupling.

Contact details
Dr. Anoop Thomas
Assistant Professor
Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Bengaluru - 560 012
Phone (O) : +91-80-2293 3351
Email: athomas@iisc.ac.in